CrowdSec for Absolute Beginners
This is a basic workshop on installing and configuring CrowdSec, a FOSS IDS/IPS tool which reads log, detects attacks and shares information about those attacks with other users in an anonymous way.
The workshop will be held on Friday 7 October from 5 PM to 7 PM.
Please note that a conference ticket is required for workshop participation.
You'll learn how to install CrowdSec on Linux and install and configure the NGINX bouncer which mitigates threats based on information from the CrowdSec agent and the community. You'll also learn the basics of what CrowdSec is, how it works and how it can help you protect your infrastructure against the bad guys utilizing the power of the crowd.
Please note that we have a limited number of 25 seats. Sign up using the form below. We will attempt to remove the form when the workshop is fully booked, but reserve the right to reject overbooked seats.
Intermediate Linux skills; know how to edit a file, restart services. Knowledge of Docker is an advantage.
Introduction to CrowdSec
Installing CrowdSec and NGINX bouncer
Configuring NGINX bouncer with ReCAPTCHA remidiatiin
Working with CrowdSec cscli
Loading cold logs into CrowdSec
Visualizing using Metabase and CrowdSec Consoles
CrowdSec console featues
Who should attend:
Audience is everybody from your average selfhoster to professional sysadmins, devops and devsecops who has a bit of Linux experience and knows their way around text editing, installing software from packages and restarting services.